Since the formation of the Royal Navy Clearance Divers Association (RNCDA) back in January 2012, the Association has seen its ranks swell to a healthy membership of over 600 members.
For the RNCDA to be a success, it relies on serving and former Royal Navy Clearance Divers along with our extremely generous benefactors, sponsors and associate members to support the committee and the aims and objectives of the Association.
These are listed in the RNCDA constitution (but are not restricted to) :-
Maintaining contact between serving and former members of the Diving Branch (The Branch)
Fostering esprit de corps, comradeship and the welfare of the Branch and perpetuating its deeds.
Preserving the traditions of the Branch including the practice of understatement, humility and modesty.
Perpetuating the memory of those members of the Branch who have died in the service of their country
RNCDA Members Only

The majority of the content of this website is only available to RNCDA members after logging in. Whilst the site contains no details of current operations or training methods, the nature of the work conducted by Royal Navy Clearance Divers does mean that we do have to restrict access. If you have a family member who has served as a Clearance Diver we hope that the information we have shared in the history and memorial sections are of interest, if you have any further questions please email webadmin@rncda.com, chairman@rncda.com, or to send an email to every member of the committee committee@rncda.com.
RNCDA Membership is available for all serving and retired Royal Naval Clearance Divers regardless of Rank, Rate or time served, if you passed the course we would be delighted to welcome you as a member.
Please click HERE to apply.
Current RNCDA members that don’t have a username and password for the site can apply here.