RNCDA Join Here

Membership Requirements
  1. For the Association to be a success it will rely on serving and former members of the Diving Branch to become members and to fully support the objectives of the Association.
  2. As defined in the constitution, the Association will comprise:
    1. Full Members.Full members will comprised of former and serving Clearance Divers and Minewarfare & Diving Officers, Only Full Members will have voting rights.
    2. Affiliated Members. The Affiliated Member is a person, either military or civilian, who has provided some form of assistance to either the Royal Navy Clearance Diving Branch or RNCDA and is considered a supporter of either organization. Affiliated Membership may be offered to those persons not necessarily considered for Honorary Membership. Affiliated Members may be invited to join by the Committee and, in accepting the invitation, will be expected to signify that they will be bound by the rules of the Association. Affiliated Members will have no voting rights.
    3. Honorary Members. Honorary Members may be invited to join by The Committee, and in accepting the invitation will be expected to signify that they will be bound by the rules of the Association. Honorary Members will have no voting rights.
Benefits of Membership
  1. The Royal Naval Clearance Divers ’Association (RNCDA) was founded in an endeavour to fully support the following objectives:
    1. Maintain contact between serving and former members of the Royal Navy Diving Branch (The Branch) and providing social gatherings for them;
    2. Foster esprit de corps, comradeship and the welfare of the Branch and perpetuating its deeds;
    3. Preserve the traditions of the Branch including the practice of understatement, humility and modesty.
    4. Perpetuating the memory of those members of the Branch who have died in the service of their country.
    5. Promote the gatherings and the exchange of information between serving and former members of the Branch.
    6. On admission, each member shall be entitled to a copy of the Constitution and access to the electronic member directory which is maintained by the Membership secretary. They will also be entitled to receive notices of forthcoming events.
    7. And you get a Nice Coin!